Support your mental health while “staying at home” during this pandemic.

For the physical health care of our communities and the American people, California and so many other states, are being asked to follow the “stay at home order. This is being done to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, COVID-19, and as we are continually being told, it is not because we lack resources. Grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, health care facilities (including mental health), and so many more vital resources will still be open and accessible. Check with your resource directly to find out how they are dealing with Coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemic. Also, check with your county and state guidelines for further information.
Our community is resilient, but many are struggling with the loss of income, school closures, questions about the future, and the very real possibility of staying home for an unknown period of time. Taking care of ourselves, and each other is one of our top priorities. During this time of physical separation, people remember there are ways to continue to feel connected to each other as a community. We also need to continue to support our mental health as we become more vulnerable with the increase of isolation and stress. We need each other, we depend on each other, and we are not alone.
Mindfulpath has compiled a list of ways to continue to feel supported and a part of your community throughout this time:
1. Connect with your friends and family via video. Some ideas are organizing time for you and your friends to have a “coffee date” online, a virtual book club, organizing a video “play date” for your kids, or have a family dinner via video. During this time screens can be a beautiful thing.
2. Continue to have your mental health appointments via video if they are not in person. Many mental health care providers are transitioning to online formats, including individual and group therapy. Now is the time to continue to support our mental health, and even if you feel like video sessions aren’t quite the same, this time is especially important to stay connected. People can be vulnerable to increased feelings of depression and anxiety factoring in the increased isolation and stress of this pandemic. This stay at home order is a good time to reach out for mental health support, especially if you have had prior mental health conditions. Mental health clinicians are continuing to work through this crisis, and Psychology Today as even added a tab for providers to identify if they are providing telehealth services. Mindfulpath also continues to offer telehealth services as well as in-person sessions as needed.
3. When you go out to purchase necessities, make eye contact. We are all practicing social distancing, but that doesn’t mean we can’t smile and say hello. Those of us who are working overtime right now keeping our stores and vital businesses open could use an extra thank you right now. Face to face interaction is so important, and a smile and greeting go a long way now. We are all in this together.
4. If you are in recovery, remember there are online 12 step meetings. AA resources are linked here. If you are a member of another group, go to their website for more info. Also, many groups are transitioning to online formats, so you can utilize these resources as much as needed. Recovery can be difficult, and during times of additional stress, extra support can be beneficial.
5. Ensure you are eating healthy to support your physical and mental health during this difficult time.
5. Along with recovery meetings via phone and online, reach out to your sponsor if you have one. Extra connection right now is warranted.
6. Many church services are via video now. If you are a member of a church community or are interested in becoming a part of a church community, reach out.
7. Meditation groups are also transitioning to online formats. In the Los Angeles area, Unplug Meditation and InsightLA are two resources you can connect to right now.
8. Online yoga classes. Many yoga studios are transitioning to online formats. Take an online yoga class to give your mental and physical health a boost. Mindfulpath also offers yoga via video if you would like to take a one-on-one class.
We need each other right now.
Community is as important as ever, and together we will get through this period of increased isolation and hardship. Each of us is important, and though we are decreasing contact for our community’s physical health, you might be in a position of experiencing your mental health suffering. Please reach out if you feel like you need support, or even if you feel like you might need support. Mindfulpath is here, and we will continue to be here offering services.
Stay safe,
Stephanie and Erica at Mindfulpath Inc.